Saturday, May 23, 2009


I read today that Liberty University will no longer recognize the Democratic Club on their campus. Now, I am not a democrat (nor would I consider myself a republican), but I think this is a bad move on a few different levels to kick them out. And, I must point out that the name Liberty seems a bit ironic at this point! The University said that they will no longer recognize them because "the national party's platform goes against the conservative Christian school's moral principles." If you want to read the article, click here and read what The Washington Post reported.

To make the statement that "the national party's platform goes against the conservative Christian school's moral principles" are you implying that the Republican Party is wholly in line with your values? I certainly hope not. The marrying of Christianity with one political party has weakened Christianity for long enough. Hopefully we can move beyond blind support one party and think about ALL issues through Biblical lens.

Those are just a few of my thoughts, I'd love to know what you think about the story.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Free Goods

I saw this link to a free Coldplay Live album. Here is the link. I haven't had the chance to listen to it yet, but hey, it's free.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mission Trip Blog

Our mission team for the Dominican Republic started a blog a little while back. You can got to it and check out thoughts and prayer requests of people on the team. Also, we will post pictures when we are there (hopefully, that will depend on technology) and then we will share stories once we are home. Hope you enjoy it!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sheer Randomness!

I haven't had the chance to blog ina while, so I thought I would post a few random thoughts...
  • my son peed in his eye this morning. that's right, you read that correctly, he peed in his eye. like a good dad I just started screaming. he smiled at me. evidently it wasn't as big a deal to him as it was to me!
  • is Charles Barkely the worst golfer in the world? I saw this clip of him golfing this weekend where he hit someone in the crowd with the ball. he was playing at some sort of pro am fundraiser and he took someone out who was sitting in the front row. i'm not sure who is at fault here... who in their right mind would stand there when barkely is teeing off? have they seen his swing? i seriously couldn't stop laughing.

  • I'm really enjoying teaching through the book of James, but man is it convicting! It seems like every message I prep for God really challenges me through. This last week was on the way that faith expresses itself through speech. ouch.
  • I am so excited for the Nuggets in the playoffs. They are playing so well right now and just can't wait. Bring on the Lake show!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

National Day of Prayer

I had the chance to share at North County's National Day of Prayer breakfast this morning. It was truly an honor to be able to speak to a room full of people who are far more prestigious than I will probably ever be. I shared about the power of prayer and how I had the chance to introduce a student to Jesus over at Palomar College just yesterday. One thing that I have realized about prayer is that it really forces me to get my agenda in line with God. Yesterday God just literally brought this student up to me and I just responded to the opportunity that he had obviously given to me.

I read this quote about prayer by Henri Nouwen that really got me thinking about the way that I think about prayer and often times compartmentalize my prayer life. Nouwen wrote,
"To pray, I think, does not mean to think about God in contrast to thinking about other things, or to spend time with God instead of spending time with other people. Rather, it means to think and live in the presence of God. As soon as we begin to divide our thoughts about God and thoughts about people and events, we remove God from our daily life and put him into a pious little niche where we can think pious thoughts and experience pious feelings. ... Although it is important and even indispensable for the spiritual life to set apart time for God and God alone, prayer can only become unceasing prayer when all our thoughts -- beautiful or ugly, high or low, proud or shameful, sorrowful or joyful -- can be thought in the presence of God. ... Thus, converting our unceasing thinking into unceasing prayer moves us from a self-centred monologue to a God-centred dialogue."

What a great truth to keep in mind!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Great Quote

I ran across this quote this morning as I was doing some reading. It resonates with me because this is exactly what I want the focus of my life to be.