Monday, February 16, 2009

Best Valetines Gift EVER!

I always like to give a little bit of "practical" dating or marriage advice (see Biblical dating post :) on my blog, and I think I found something that could really help you out. I ran across what I think could possibly be the best Valentines gift ever and the world must know that it exists! It is called the "Hug Me Pillow." (seriously, this is a real gift... and its on sale now at Because, really nothing says "I love you" quite like a pillow in the shape of an arm.

It's a bold move by somebody to market this, but I appreciate it the risk they have taken. I hope Kelly doesn't read this post... it will completely spoil her Birthday!


danielle said...

hahaha, that's amazing!! don't give jared any ideas :)

Dom said...

soooooo creepy!

Jason said...

Yeah, I'm with Dom, that thing is not ok.