Thursday, March 5, 2009

Wright on Colbert

As you know I have been reading N.T Wright's book "Surprised by Hope." Some people have asked who he is, so I thought I would add a link to an interview with him. A friend shared this with me today. The interview actually gives a fairly good summary of N.T. Wright's premise in the book... when he is able to get a word in edge wise with Colbert. Anyway, Colbert... is always good for a laugh! Let me know what you think about his two-stage afterlife existence.


Anonymous said...

Colbert is such a talent but, as with most of his interviews, his guest is really there as a foil for his sparkling wit. Fun to watch but not the best forum for the bishop (a talent of a different order) to explain the finer points of eschatology. Best to read his book before commenting on the few points he manages to get across in this 'interview'.

Miles Vincent Grimes said...

i want to talk to you about this book sometime. yeah?? i actually wrote about it on my blog...check it out.

Bryan Bell said...

I agree with Mick that without reading the book - its tough to say I fervently agree with the Bishop. However, I definitely agree that most of Christians believe some completely unfounded ideas about Heaven - and that, post-millenial kingdom - all the saints alive and all the saints "chilling with God in Heaven" - come and rock out in the New Jerusalem on a New Heaven and Earth. And definitely Harp's with Whammy bars... I might try and build that while I'm still in this body though.